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"The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle, and permanent restoration of health."  
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, 1842
Founder of Homeopathy

After over 20 years of conventional veterinary practice, I began to study and use homeopathy and quickly saw the power of this type of treatment.  It is the greatest way to restore and maintain good health for all types of animals (and us!).  Using the same principles established over 200 years ago,  and combining excellent nutrition, I've seen animals completely recover from what seemed to be very stubborn chronic diseases.  It's less expensive and much safer than conventional medicine and can eliminate the need for any treatment at all.

Come and see!





*The information presented on this website is not intended as specific veterinary advice and is not a substitute for professional veterinary diagnosis/treatment. My goal is to support the body through homeopathy and nutrition, restoring and maintaining optimal health*

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Homeopathy introduction



The information presented on this website is not intended as specific veterinary advice and is not a substitute for professional veterinary treatment or diagnosis.  My goal is to support the body through excellent nutrition and homeopathy, restoring and maintaining health.


copyright ©2021 - Natural Animal Consulting

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